Saturday, October 1, 2011

Freedom Gained

Back in June I posted a short article, ‘Disability Discrimination’. I had been looking for help with my issue off and on for months. After I wrote that post I started searching for someone to help me again. After searching the internet, I eventually was led to an agency right here in Door County. Maybe there would be a slim chance that someone there who could provide help. I spoke with a very nice lady who referred me to Disability Rights of Wisconsin in Madison. She provided a number to call. The results of that referral I will tell you here in this post.

I made the call. The girl who took my call transferred me to an intake worker who took my information. I was asked to fax all the documentation that I had. I then proceeded to fax the 16 pages of documentation. My own notes, letters that I’d sent, letters sent by the building inspector and documents on the equipment that I needed to comply with ADA regulations for barrier free access to my building.

I was then sent an explanation of the laws regarding my particular situation. These were very helpful in understanding what my rights and responsibilities were and what those are of my landlord.

After they reviewed the information that I sent, I received a call from an advocate with DRW. We had a phone conference and she consulted with her supervising attorney. The attorney advised that I again write my landlord asking permission to purchase and install the equipment that I needed to make my building fully accessible to me.

I wrote the letter. I was disappointed, if not even angry with the reply. My request was granted to purchase and install the equipment, however, they would take possession of it if and when I vacated my apartment.

I faxed this to Madison. They were floored that the corporation that owns and manages this complex would even have the gall to do such a thing. After a meeting within their group, I was advised to write another letter telling the landlord that if they wanted the equipment they could reimburse me for all costs incurred or I would be allowed to take it with me if and when I vacated my apartment.

I wrote this letter and sent it. I received yet a worse reply. They said because it’s their building, any modifications I made, be it temporary or permanent, they would take it. And……they would not reimburse me anything!

What? Yes, they would take possession of everything that I installed to make things easier because of my disability!

I faxed this down to Madison and they had another weekly meeting. They reached a consensus to take my case. I was then sent all the paperwork to sign and return to them. Then my advocate and attorney started their communication with the corporation that I had been fighting on my own.

Now I received a letter from my landlord ‘granting my request’ to take the equipment with me if and when I left.

I ordered the door closer and lockset that I needed. This was on Monday and I received an e-mail the following day that my order had been shipped. On Wednesday I received the lockset shipped from Illinois. Then Thursday I received the door closer that came from Ohio. I contacted my installer (I can’t trust this maintenance man to install it correctly) and they stopped by Friday evening to look at what needed to be done. My installer then came Saturday afternoon and installed and adjusted everything.

I have now been enjoying my first full week of freedom this year! What a joy it is just to get out the door when I want to, and not when I can find someone who can come to let me out for a little while and then let me in again. Freedom feels good!


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