When we want to do a bible study we get out our bible, our Strong’s reference and all the other reference books we may have, if we have any at all. Then we start searching the Bible from one Scripture to another to another. And we write notes in a notebook with scripture references that we have to look up later unless we copy it into our notes…….and we don’t do it because it’s too much like work. And we don’t study, just leave it on the shelf…..maybe later when there is more time.
Well, that’s why I want to write this. Because there is a better way and it’s free.
The Bible study program e-Sword, written my Rick Meyer, is distributed by him for all to download, share and use freely.
Besides the program itself, there is an enormous wealth of reference works that you can chose to download as well after installing the program.
The program has many useful features. For your note taking, there are Study Notes, Topic Notes and a Journal. Rick has made it easy to paste a selection into any of these notes with just the click of the mouse. Any notes that you write in your notes or journal, you can format just as you would in any word processor.
Searching the Bible is equally as easy. Just select the book and chapter you want to go to and your there. To search a specific scripture you can use the search tool.
There are many other features that you can benefit from, such as memory verses, daily Bible reading and prayer requests.
Many downloads are available directly through the program. There are many versions of the Bible that are free. Others are available at a small cost. There are books that are also free to download to e-Sword.
Besides books, Bibles and commentaries, there are also maps and such that you can download and view with the graphics viewer.
I hope this little review of e-Sword has stirred up your curiosity enough that you’ll click on a link and go there to investigate this more and download and install this wonderful software on your own computer.
Once installed, I’m confident you’ll find reading and studying your Bible will be a much more satisfying experience.
Very true, I really do enjoy using the program myself! Its also very true that most of us leave our bible's on the shelf and always say when i have more time! This program gives us no reason to not read our bible, and its so easy!! Thanks for the great review of it! I hope people that read this will download it for themselves!