My name is Allan, but since I'm a junior, I've always gone my nickname Ed. It comes from my middle name Edward.
Some time ago I decided to start this blog. I had many thoughts that I wanted to share with my friends and family. I also thought that it would be nice to be able to share this with anyone who would be interested in reading my posts.
My interests are varied. So you may see me writing about many topics here. I'll try to label them appropriately so you can quickly find those posts that are of particular interest to you.
I haven't been writing much here lately. I guess I don't really have a good excuse for not doing so. I do have a disabling nueromuscler condition that is progressive and has kept me down quite a bit of late. My Dr. has my pain under control now better than it has ever been in these last few years. I suppose that has been my fault as I'm reluctant to go on too many medications.
With that said, I will be trying to get on here more and posting articles that I hope will be of interest to my followers. They may be random thoughts, issues that I'm concerned about or they may be my personal opinion about something.
I do like to also write reviews, especially when I want to recommend something that I find useful and is, in my opinion, is a good value.
I encourage you my readers, to sign up and become a member so you can follow my blog posts and not miss anything. Please feel free to leave a comment and share my link with others you think would like to follow as well.
Happy reading,